How To Have A Life Outside Of Work

We hear a lot of talk about how important it is to have work/life balance. For many of us, that is way easier said than done. With technology and remote work, the line between work and not work can become blurred or sometimes even disappear. We talk a lot about thriving at work here, but it’s important to make sure you’re thriving outside of work, too!

Working 24/7 doesn’t necessarily make you the best employee. Devoting some time to non-work activities doesn’t mean you don’t care about your career. In fact, having a life outside of work can lead to more productivity and reduce the risk of burnout. Today we are sharing some helpful tips for how to better enjoy life outside of work. 

After two years of a global pandemic, parenting, school, political and civil unrest, on top of the 9-to-5 grind, you may be feeling more burnt out than ever. While your career is important, it does not define who you are nor should it define all of your successes or happiness. Having a work/life balance is critical to protecting yourself and your well-being!

Meredith Mitnick, founder of MRM Career Coaching, relaxes on a couch with a cup of coffee.

Tips for a Better Work/Life Balance

  • Find a hobby. Join a book club, take a painting class, go biking, hiking, roller blading, start volunteering. The possibilities are endless! It doesn’t have to cost money, it doesn’t have to be difficult or too time consuming. But find something that you enjoy doing where you can turn your attention away from work. 

  • Set boundaries. This word comes up a lot, especially if you work remotely. You have to set boundaries at work. Of course, there may be days where you have a tight deadline and need to work late. But, in general, you should be upfront about setting clear boundaries with coworkers and clients and stick to them. Work will always fill the time you allow for it. 

  • Unplug. Now, that is easier said than done! Out to dinner with your family? Put your watch and phone on Do Not Disturb. Set your phone to silence notifications after a certain time. Make sure your work pings are on DND or away once you’re done for the day. While technology has made so many things easier, it has also made us way more available and employers and clients know this. Setting boundaries and learning how to unplug can make a world of difference. 

  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle. We’ve all been there, mainlining coffee and energy drinks to try to finish a project on time. It’s really important for both physical and mental health to incorporate healthy habits into our day. Try taking a 5 to 10 minute walking break (without your phone). You may find yourself feeling more energized when you get back to your desk. 

These are just a few tips for achieving a better work/life balance. There is more to life and YOU than your 9-to-5. It is important to distinguish between WHO you are and WHAT you do. So, use that PTO, ask for time off or an extended leave, and make the time to do things that fill your cup, and take care of yourself and your family. 

If you are dealing with workplace stress, check out these tips and if you think it may be time for a career change but you’re unsure where to start, let’s chat.


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