Signs You’ve Outgrown Your Job

We often hear, “People don’t leave jobs, they leave bad bosses.” While we don’t dispute that is the a major cause  people quitting, what if there’s something deeper… 

What if you’ve outgrown your job? 

Yep, you read that right. 

Perhaps, a position you once enjoyed doesn’t feel the same anymore. Your career goals have changed. Your passions may have shifted. Maybe company leadership changes have altered your perception of your role.

3 Signs You’ve Outgrown Your Job

  1. There’s No Room (or no more room) for Growth
    When you started, you saw the potential in the company and your employer saw the potential in you. You showed up eager, provided integral strategies for the team, and soaked up all the knowledge you could - and it paid off. You climbed the ladder quarter after quarter. But recently…it’s slowed down to a molasses covered crawl. Maybe there’s not a clear path forward or maybe the company doesn’t seem to want to work to cultivate your next move or expand your role. While some promotions take years to earn (yes you read that right), if the progress toward that growth isn’t supported, it may be time to move on.

  2. You’re not challenged and you’re not learning.
    A large part of career fulfillment is learning new skills and tackling new challenges. By continuously learning new things that are important to your job, you increase your value to your organization and to yourself. As you expand your skillset, the opportunities and challenges need to grow and expand to match. If you’ve done all you can think to do and you’re simply not challenged or learning in your current role, it could be a sign you’re ready for the next step in your career.

  3. You don’t align with the company values.
    Believing and aligning with the mission, vision, and values of an organization is a key element to workplace happiness. If you no longer don’t believe in the mission of the company or work you do (even if you used to), it may no longer be a great fit, like it once was. As we grow as individuals, our interests and passions change. And remember, if the issues you care about now differ from what you cared about when you first took the job, that is okay. It's understandable, normal, and downright empowering for you to change your career path as you follow your career goals and your ultimate passions in life.

Sometimes, we’re too close to a situation to see the signs clearly. Chat with a friend or mentor whom you trust and gauge these signs on a scale of 1-10. This will help provide an outside perspective so that you can make the changes necessary to enjoy your life and career again. And, be sure to check out our FREE career resource library to help guide your new career path!


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