3 Ways to Network to Remain Connected

Many of us have now been working from home for weeks – some for a month or more. And while this may be the new normal for a while, it still comes with a great deal of uncertainty that can leave us feeling on edge or even scared. It may also come with an additional layer of guilt as we feel fortunate to have a job when so many others have been furloughed or laid off. This is a lot to unpack, especially in a blog post, but I’d like to approach it through one of my favorite lenses – networking.

Networking is not just for when you start looking for a job. In fact, if you wait to start networking until you’re on the job hunt it’s likely too little too late. Networking can be a part of your everyday interactions. At its core, networking is about creating and maintaining connections and in this time of chaos, it can also create a sense of normalcy as the other elements of day to day life continue to shift.

Whether you’re feeling out of sorts and want to rebalance yourself or looking to continue progressing your career, these tips will help you strengthen your network inside your company.

  • Intentional Coffee Break: Since you no longer run into your colleagues in line for coffee or in the office kitchen, it takes a bit more effort to have those casual conversations. Schedule a morning coffee each day to continue these connections. This is also an ideal way to reach out to others you wouldn’t usually spend time with to get to know them better.

  • End of Week Recap & Next Week Priorities: Consider sending your boss an end of week recap with your accomplishments and next week’s priorities. You could do this via email or whatever project management/communication tool your company uses. This will continue to demonstrate your value in a very tangible way while providing a touch point and opportunity to ensure you and your boss are aligned.

  • Schedule Time with Pets or Kids: The line between professional and personal has been blurred for many years now, but this is a whole new level. While some folks have separate home offices or are able to have privacy while working at home, others are also juggling pets, kids or any other multitude of additions. Consider having a “bring your kids/pets to work” time to take the edge off. This could be a friendly lunch, a mid-morning meeting, get creative with it!

  • Daily or Weekly Distraction Email: A friend started doing a “Daily Distraction” email for her extended team with happy news, cute animal clips, and other positive distractions. This is a lighthearted way to connect with your team during a challenging time. Just to get you started, there’s dolphins meeting a sloth, John Krasinski put together Some Good News, Sports Commentators getting creative with their skills, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

However you choose to stay connected, remember that the effort you put in will serve you now and down the road.

Take care & be well!


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