The key to a successful job search

Spoiler Alert: The biggest key to success is being resilient calls resilience the “mental reservoir of strength that people are able to call on in times of need to carry them through without falling apart.”

It helps us cope with obstacles, stress, and loss.

Life is hard right now, there’s no denying that. We’re continually adjusting, working remotely, facing unemployment - and that’s just the stuff about work. A lot of things are out of our control, but let’s focus on the things we CAN control

“Resilient people are able to utilize their skills and strengths to cope and recover from problems and challenges,” says Author Kendra Cherry.

To bounce back from the disappointments in the job search, let’s face them with resilience, with support, with confidence!

Tips on Resilience:

  1. Acknowledge your stressors: Ignoring the fact that you're stressed won’t erase it. Instead, notice what particular events amplify those stress hormones in your body.

  2. Take a deep breath: When those stressor come up, take a deep breath. Maybe even 3-5 if the stressor is a big one. This will help you regain your calm and recenter.

  3. Shift your perspective: View yourself and strengths in a positive light. Know your worth!

  4. Focus on the controllables: When a stressor arises, ask yourself whether it’s in your control. If so, what can you do about it? If not, let it go à la Elsa.

  5. Find healthy ways to de-stress

    • Take time alone to debrief and digest your emotions

    • Spend some quality time with a loved one

    • Journal - the easiest, most non-judgemental way to vent

    • Move your body

    • Meditate

Guest blog by Hannah Hall


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